What is semi?


Semi carries “To prolong the life of Design” as its slogan to inspire our creativity.

What is our activity?



When the exposing time of a banner, a flag or a tent gets to an end, we get this material and re-design it into bags. We develo new products that prolonged the life of the design.

So far, materials such as flags and tents used in the shopping streets and events in town were thrown away at the end of the exhibition, finishing their role. However, the life of those designs were too short remembering us of the lifecycle of the cicadas. With “To prolong the life of Design” in mind we make them reborn in daily lives as bags and small products.


■Before Semi Process

1. ある目的のために新しいデザインが生まれる。

2. ある目的をもって街の中に展示される。

3. 展示期間の終了したものはその役目を終え、ゴミ箱に捨てられる。

1. There is a Design for a specific purpose.

2. This Design is exposed on the streets.

3. When the exhibition is over, the design goes to the garbage.


■Semi Project Process

1. ある目的のために新しいデザインが生まれる。

2. ある目的をもって街の中に展示される。

3. 展示期間終了後、付着した汚れを綺麗に洗い流し、充分に乾かす。

4. バッグにリデザインするために、用意したウェブサイト上でお客様の手によって試行錯誤が行われる。

5. バッグが製作され、出来上がる。余ったハギレはリユースのために保管される。

6. ウェブサイト上で販売後、お客様の手に届けられる。バッグにリデザインされることで、デザインの寿命が長くなり、再び街の中で使用される。

1. There is a Design for a specific purpose.

2. This Design is exposed on the streets.

3. When the exhibition is over, we clean the material.

4. The design of our bags are done in co-creation with the customer. Our website offer the tools fro him to customize his own bag.

5. We make the bag and save the remaining for another product.

6. After the whole process, finally it is delivered to the customer’s hand. Through our re-design we can prolongue the life of the design.